Bimba Khatiwada
1 min readNov 10, 2022


The Common Man

Feet are sore,
Body is aching.
Have walked a 100 miles,
Spine at the point of breaking.

They tell us to stay inside,
But my home is far away.
I need to walk the distance,
Home is where my peace stays.

They have taken my dignity,
They don’t give a damn.
They seem to have forgotten,
The power of a common man.

Weren’t we the ones who put them there?
Believing their promises of being fair!
Now they sit in high backed chairs,
While we have to cower in fear?

Rise above the ignorance,
Stop thinking that you are but ONE,
Let’s band together,
The false gods power will be undone.

You can be the force of good,
Don’t pretend to be naive.
Just get in the right mood,
Change our great nations Groove.

Let’s join our voices,
It’s time to roar.
Together, We are king of the beasts,
No longer will the Hyenas feast.

